How to play video poker - Video Poker rules

Video Poker is the simplified, machine version of the live ”draw” poker.


Compiling the best possible "poker hand" during the game. Formulating the stronger hands, the higher are the odds and your jackpot.


Choose the size of your bet. Then pressing "DEAL", the machine assigns five random cards. Choose which cards you want to keep (you can even keep all the cards, or you can throw them all). Then click the chosen cards, or the "HOLD" sign underneath to click. Pressing "Draw", you will get new cards instead of the not selected ones. Then you finally have some kind of A "poker hand" (details below). The amount of the payment is depending on the strength of your poker hand.

When you win a hand, most video poker machines offer to double your winnings, so you can play a Double or Nothing. If you draw a higher value card than the machine, you receive the DOUBLE of your previous winning. If you draw a lower value card than the machine, you lose your previous winning. If you won, usually you have an option for a further doubling until you decide to stop or lose all your bets.

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The PAYTABLE is usually displayed in the game window. Video poker odds are different in different types of games.
Some video poker game types:

"Joker Poker": In this type of game Joker also plays and substitutes any cards during the game.

"Jacks or better": J (Jack) Pair is the minimum, which can be a winner.

"Tens or better": You can win with a minimum of a pair of tens or better poker hand.


Traditional poker hand ranks are listed on this page: poker hand strength


DEAL: pressing deal you can get the first 5 cards at the beginning of the game.

BET ONE: betting a one unit stake

BET MAX: playing maximum stakes

HOLD: In some online casinos you can keep your selected card by pressing the HOLD button, in others, you should click the cards
COLLECT: You may collect your winnings

DOUBLE: You can double your winnings (double or nothing)

CREDITS field: A display that shows the amount of prizes during the game so far

BALANCE field: shows your current account balance in video poker playing